Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Fun!

We love to get out in the brisk weather of fall! It is refreshingly different from the heat of summer, and showing changing colors and seasons all around us. We went to a corn maze near our home and had a great time getting lost. Drew and Abby made the decisions of whether we turned left or right, and amazingly we found our way out (eventually)!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Relishing those little things

I am writing today to celebrate and remember the small and simple joys in life. I love to look back on our old family photos- especially on the baby pictures. Every wise woman will tell you that when you're in the middle of the "baby years" with feedings, spit ups, diapers, and all the other less than glamorous experiences in raising a baby, to simply "enjoy it." How easy to forget, and how much we miss those little tiny milestones that were measured in weeks and months instead of years and lifetimes. My babies are growing too fast. I am so happy we have photos to remind me of these cute stages. Now my goal in life is to be happy where I am. Not where I'll be in a few years, not what I wish I had, not how I wish I looked. I want to be happy now. Here. Right where I am. And LOVE it. I hope you all feel the same and enjoy your life. NOW.

About Me

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I love being a wife and mother. I feel very blessed to be able to stay at home with my kids and my husband! We are so proud of our kids that we can hardly remember what life was like before them.