Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Polar Express!

Our family had a fun little outing to Heber City to ride to the North Pole! The kids were sooooo excited! We had a real hard time taking good pictures, but still wanted to share the fun of it!

True to the book, we came dressed in jammies (well the kids did. If Derek and I had the train wouldn't have pulled out of the station!) We were served hot chocolate and cookies, the conductor came through the cars and punched our tickets, and at the end Santa himself gave each of the children a magical bell. Oh what fun! The kids were bragging for a long time that they had now seen the North Pole (a light display outside the trains stopping point) and ridden on the REAL Polar Express!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Looks like you guys had fun. I am glad you updated, it was way to long since your last post. I was beginning to wonder if everything was alright.

About Me

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I love being a wife and mother. I feel very blessed to be able to stay at home with my kids and my husband! We are so proud of our kids that we can hardly remember what life was like before them.